Propaganda Reigns In The West

Counter Information

Global Research, June 24, 2015

Putin-TASS-350x225The lies about Russia and Russia’s president have grown so thick, threatening the world with devastating war, that distinguished Americans have formed  the American Committee for East-West Accord.  The members of the founding board are former US senator Bill Bradley, Amb. Jack Matlock who was US ambassador to the Soviet Union during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, William J. vanden Heuvel who was US ambassador to the UN during the Carter administration,  John Pepper who is the former chairman and CEO of Proctor Gamble, Gilbert Doctorow who is a businessman with a quarter century of business experience with Russia, and professors Ellen Mickiewicz of Duke University and Stephen Cohen of Princeton University and New York University.

It is extraordinary that the cooperation between Russia and the US created over the decades by successive administrations, beginning with John F…

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