Too Old to Be a Patriot? Nah!

If Obama had his way, seniors would be placed upon the handiest ice floe and set off to sea as soon as they were no longer able to pay taxes; this is the impression I get from the carefully worded phrases on the Obamacare legislation. Oh, it doesn’t mention ice-floes. But it does say things to the effect that the elderly should be encouraged to reflect upon “quality of life” issues, and consider “living wills”. In short, hurry up and die so the benefits you have contributed into all your life can be passed along to somebody who never worked a day in their miserable life. Charming.

It has not escaped my notice how less than 5 years of Obama-tics has turned this country into a virtual wasteland.   Gangs of hooligans running in the streets, an astronomical national debt, our country infested with illegals who are bleeding us dry while Americans go homeless; it makes me doggone mad that all the great ideals and principles that made this country the greatest and strongest in the world has been literally tossed away, and we are governed by squabbling poobahs who can’t seem to agree on anything, even among themselves, lorded over by a man who doesn’t have the right qualifications to be a dogcatcher in this country, much less the President.

And, I have to sit back and ask myself, “How in the hell did we let this all happen?” And, more importantly, “What in the hell can we do about it?”  It doesn’t seem like we the seniors can do much of anything. What power do WE have, after all? We’re old. A lot of us are feeble. We forget a lot. We take pills.

HOWEVER!! We have a lot of things going for us that the young and vigourus do not. There are a lot of us. We are the Baby Boomers, and we remember What Things Used To Be. We were there when Cokes were 25 cents, and candy bars were a nickel, and our parents could leave us home when they went out and not have to worry that some freak would break in and murder us.  We went to church, and said prayers in school, and didn’t think a thing of it, and murders actually made the front page news.

We would very much like that America back, because when Eisenhower was President, we at least could trust the government to be ethical, and the President to actually care for the people he governed. We remember our schools were actually a place where you learned things, and weren’t guinea pigs for whatever hairball theories came down the pike. So, we have a model of what we are aiming to achieve, something these young folks can’t imagine.

And, we have TIME. They are running about trying to earn livings for the most part, and these days, if you’re lucky enough to have a job at all, it’s a full-time occupation. Most oif us are retired, on some kind of pension. Luckier ones are set up so they don’t have to worry at all financially. Good for you! So, we are able to devote a good deal of our time to whatever we choose to dedicate ourselves towards. And, we can do a lot, just with a computer. Even with a typewriter and a box of envelopes for that matter.

What can you do? There are all kinds of things. if you have a computer, you can e-mail your senator, congressperson, the White House, or anyone else you wish to express your opinions to. You can sign petitions, join Patriot activist sites.  You can learn more about the things you want to change or advocate, and find out how to do so.

If you don’t have a computer, and want to become computer savvy, there are all kinds of ways to do so. Our local library gives computer classes. There are also adult education classes offered. Sometimes they are offered at low cost, or even free. There are online classes, also. Of course, you have to know how to use a computer, first. Once you can get a few computer classes, and can find out what kind of computer you want (a laptop is inexpensive and good enough for most home users) you can find excellent bargains on e-bay. rent a computer at your local library or internet cafe.

Another way to become active is to attend your city council meetings and find out what’s going on in your neck of the woods.  One woman noticed that there was no one who investigated fraud prevention in her state’s election offices. She simply volunteered do take the job on. Perhaps you can see what can be done in your own town.

Things will never change as long as the populace hide their heads in the sand and pretend there is nothing wrong. The seniors can be a powerful and active voice if they wish to be; “we ain’t daid yit!”  Or, to put it a bit more poetically, as Mr. Dylan said, “Do not go gentle into that good night, rage, rage, against the dying of the light!”


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